Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple

Fetish Pregnant Gaping
If you really like cunt, a woman’s pussy during pregnancy is probably the sexiest it will ever be for you. Just the sight of one can make you come as soon as she spreads her legs. The desire to gape it, examine it, lick it and fist it can be overwhelming. That’s especially true during the 8th and 9th months. Your woman’s whole body is more voluptuous than ever then and her cunt can be absolutely balls draining. Her entire vulva blossoms, the outer lips become swollen, the inner labia are fully distended and protrude out between them, her clit becomes extra sensitive, the vagina dilates and the inner flesh gets purple in color, all thanks to increased blood flow to the pelvic area. And as if that’s not enough, being so tender and turgid the outer labia can be gaped opened considerably more than usual. Every detail of her vaginal anatomy can be seen more clearly. Even her cervix can be exposed if she’s relaxed enough and in a certain position. In fact, the more relaxed she is the wider her cunt can be gaped, providingmore gooey meat to lick and the opportunity to submerge your entire hand into her. Alternately probing your tongue as deeply in as possible and then tongue flicking her clit can make her hips convulse with pleasure almost immediately. Several minutes of that and she’ll be sobbing with ecstasy, begging you to continue. Even if she comes from that alone, thanks to womens’ sexy ability to orgasm multiple times in a row, probing your hand inside and pressing up on her g-spot while tongue-flicking her clit will make her come even harder. It’s almost too good to be true if you like to raw pussy sex, and I do. Obviously, IMO a woman’s cunt becomes increasingly attractive during gestation. Perhaps only other straight men would agree, but for us, a pregnant cunt can be the ultimate aphrodisiac. Ironically, though, it’s the pregnant woman herself who may disagree the most with that. Women are often self-conscious of their body parts and during pregnancy those feelings can intensify. Even though she can’t see that her vaginal opening darkens and turns purple she can feel with her hands that her vulva has expanded and that can make her reluctant to spread her legs for you. She can fear that her pussy is too “gynocological” and therefore ugly, and be a turn-off for you. That’s why it’s important to convince her that her bloated cunt is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Unless you do that she’ll never be relaxed enough to really eat her like you want. Even if you’ve sucked her cunt in the past when she feels her vagina starting to dilate she can get sheepish. The dilation of the vagina means the vaginal sphincter gradually loosens resulting in increasingly flaccid and pliable outer labia, in preparation for childbirth. As a result, it’s not uncommon for a pregnant vulva to become permanently open for the duration of the last trimester. Simply spreading her legs can expose the urinary meatus and sometimes much more, making some women suddenly coy even if she’s been eaten many times before. Ironically, the most natural and comfortable position a pregnant woman can be in is also the one that causes the vulva to open naturally, exposing her insides. That position - which is flat on her back with knees up, feet resting on the bed, and the legs spread wide apart - called the birthing position because it allows the vagina to expand as much as possible. But for those very reasons it’s also optimal for pussy worship. Gaping her cunt and holding it open while you alternately examine it and suck the clit feels incredible for both. But as much as she may want to feel that her anxiety about her cunt being so loose and “unattractive” can inhibit her libido, unless she can be convinced you really love her raw pussy. Otherwise she’ll never feel relaxed enough for her cervix to emerge. With long enough foreplay her vagina will shorten enough for you to see her cervix when you gape her. It doesn’t get any better than that. But she has to believe you love her loose and open cunt. Convince her of that and for or at least three, months you can enjoy the best pussy worshiping and eating experiences you’ll ever have. And if you can keep yourself from coming too soon, the fucking will be explosive.
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple
Pussy During Pregnancy is Purple